Choose Happiness Everyday

Life throws a lot in our way. Work deadlines, rush hour traffic, unexpected bills, the list goes on. We try to prepare ourselves for these daily events, assuming we have to react in a certain way.

What if I told you happiness is a choice, not a reaction?

Imagine painting a portrait of your life. Each part of your life is a separate brushstroke. You get to pick the colors, the shades, tones and textures. Will it be vibrant and joyful or dull? The answer to that question lies in your perspective. By integrating these strategies into your daily routine, you can create a life filled with images of who you want to be.

Create a life by Making Choices

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Imagine waking up every morning with a smile, feeling excited about the day ahead. This isn’t wishful thinking; it’s a reality you can create by choosing happiness.

Consider for a moment walking outside to find two gates ahead of you. Both take you on a path for your day. The gate on the left leads to a forest path. The air is damp from a light rain, and the skies are overcast. On the right side, a path heads toward a morning sun reflecting upon grassy hills.

Which path do you take? There’s no right, there’s no wrong – just choose what is best for you and your preferences on that morning. Realistically, that’s what happens each day. We make choices. Yet, when we choose NOT to make a choice, then life happens to us, rather than living the life we choose.

Life will inevitably throw curve balls, but you have the power to control how you respond. By integrating thoughtful strategies into your daily routine, you can promote a positive mindset and paint the life that works for you.

Understanding Your Emotions

An important step to choosing happiness is understanding your emotions. Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings throughout the day. Are you feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, or anxious? Maybe you feel empowered and happy.

Pay attention to the reasons behind each contrasting thought or feeling. Those moments identify triggers that pull at you, or moments of empowerment. Understanding your emotions allows you to address them proactively instead of letting them control you.

A Simple Action Step: Keep a daily journal to track your feelings, emotions, situations, environments, people, or any other thing. This helps you know yourself better so you can make healthy response choices.

Developing a Positive Mindset

The human brain is wired to give attention to the negative. Going back in ancient history of human survival, paying attention to the negative was a survival mechanism. With the world going in the direction it is sometimes, having a sense of situational awareness is a protective measure.

Being aware is one thing, but we don’t need to live in fear

Too many people self-identify by the levels of power they hold over others, and they do that by inflicting fear or beating down the confidence of people around them.

We each can train our thought patterns to challenge the negative and replace them with positive beliefs. When you focus on the positive, you see your life and the world around you through a brighter, happier lens.

When you choose to take the path of the positive, you inherently start to know yourself better, which helps you recognize the negative. You become empowered to choose which gate you’ll walk through.

A Simple Action Step: In an earlier newsletter, “Stop Limiting Beliefs and Live Your Purpose Now,” I wrote about a simple sentence that you can use each day. Look at that newsletter for the full story.

The Importance of Gratitude

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It’s odd how many people see gratefulness as something to avoid. I wonder if a scolding voice in their memory is calling out from the past saying,

“You should be grateful for what you’ve got!

Gratitude is not something to avoid, nor is it a weakness. It’s a powerful tool to empower you with happiness. Appreciating the good things in your life, big or small, shifts your focus to the positive.

A Simple Action Step:In your journal (noted above), make a place to document the things you’re grateful for. Aim to write at least 3 things a day that you are happy about. What are the things you might take for granted? We can see, hear, speak or walk.

There are so many things that we assume will always be there. A couple of years ago, I awoke one morning and lost my ability to feel my left side. Shortly afterward, my speech faded, and I found I was having a stroke. After leaving the ICU, I eventually regained what I lost. Sometimes we don’t know what we had until it’s gone. If you travel to a job each day, you know the danger of careless drivers.

When you arrive at your destination, are you grateful you got there alive, or do you take it for granted? When you consider all these things and write them in the journal, you are planting seed in your personal farm to grow a happier life.

Finding Joy Everyday

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Living a life that includes happiness is about finding joy every day. Appreciate your morning coffee, enjoy your favorite music on your commute or take a walk in nature. These small moments of pleasure can significantly impact your overall happiness.

In my earlier newsletter, “Understanding Stress & Taking Action,” I wrote about taking two 15-minute walks each day during breaks. There’s a lot of value when you take control and choose to live your life for you, and not someone else’s wants.

A Simple Action Step: Find things that bring you joy and schedule them into your day, even if it’s just a few minutes. That way, the day is not owned or dictated by someone else – it’s YOUR day.

Reframing Challenges as Opportunities


Life is full of challenges. But how you view them can make all the difference. Instead of seeing setbacks as failures, view them as opportunities for growth. In my earlier article, “Change the Program”, I wrote:

When elements are viewed as an obstacle rather than a path to blessing, we reframe them into the positive and begin creating a path forward.

A Simple Action Step: When faced with a challenge, ask yourself, “What can I learn from this?” or “How can I turn this into an opportunity?”

Create Good Habits for Happiness

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Happiness isn’t a destination; it’s a journey. By implementing small, positive habits into your daily routine, you can create a foundation for lasting happiness.

Simple Action Steps: Here are a few daily habits for happiness:

  • Get Enough Sleep: Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night. (See “Boost Your Sleep Health”)
  • Eat Healthy Foods: Nourish your body with nutritious meals and snacks.
  • Exercise Regularly: Physical activity is a great mood booster.
  • Spend Time in Nature: Immerse yourself in the beauty and peace of nature.
  • Connect With Friends and Loved ones: Strong social connections are essential for happiness.

Living a Life Filled with Meaning

Genuine happiness comes from living a life filled with meaning. Reflect on your values and interests. What is important to you? What makes you feel fulfilled? Make time for activities that align with your values and purpose.

Simple Action Steps: Here are a few ideas to bring joy into your life and know you are making a difference:

  • Volunteer for a cause you care about. You might have powerful feelings about veteran issues, law enforcement support, animal welfare, food bank help. These and many other non-profits are looking for help, if even through remote support.
  • Learn a new skill. Local libraries and community centers often have courses or book talks.
  • Pursue a creative hobby. Many years ago, I joined a local wood carving club. With absolutely no carving knowledge, I learned about the craft and met some great people.

Don’t lock your life down by locking yourself in. Within you are skills and abilities that you might not even know exists. Yet, when you step out and explore, your life can make a difference and be a fun expedition.

Transform Your Happiest Life

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Throughout life, there will be good times and challenges. Earlier, I said that happiness is a journey. Your happiness is YOUR journey. Make a choice to pick the gate you will walk through and the path you’ll take.

By incorporating these simple strategies into your life, you can develop a positive mindset, encourage gratitude, and find joy each day.

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